alexander brand

Hola 👋

My name is Alex. I am passionate about distributed systems, software engineering, and computing in general. I am a lifelong learner.

I grew up in Caracas, Venezuela, and live in Miami, FL. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Computing from Queen's University and a Master's degree in Computer Science, specialization in Computing Systems, from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Most of my career has focused on systems-level software engineering, which has involved implementing containers using cgroups v1 before the rise of Docker, contributing the first PR to add Windows containers support to Kubernetes, building an ingress controller using the Envoy proxy, among other fun things.

I currently work at Nuvalence, where I collaborate with our clients on solving complex technological challenges. Previously, I held positions at VMware, Heptio, and Apprenda, where I spent most of my time in the Kubernetes and container ecosystem.


In 2021, I co-wrote the book Production Kubernetes: Building Successful Application Platforms with my colleagues Josh Rosso, Rich Lander, and John Harris.

Writing (outside of this blog)

Conference Talks